Neville Goddard Lecture, Moses – Elijah – Jesus

Moses – Elijah – Jesus

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In Biblical language a man’s name reveals his character. His name is an expression of this essential nature of the bearer. As I have said in the past, these characters are not persons; they are eternal states, spiritual states, through which the immortal soul passes to awaken as God. To understand tonight’s subject let us go back just for a moment. As you know, I have told you the Bible is God’s plan, something to be understood only through revelation. It is revealed, it is true, but seems the most impossible thing in the world, but will prove itself true in time. The book of Genesis is the seed plot. As you remember it is the beginning: “In the beginning God” and the book ended on the note: “In a coffin in Egypt.” The one in the coffin was called Joseph. Joseph is human imagination – it is of one tissue with divine imagination, but here it is human imagination, placed in a coffin. He extracted a promise from his brothers that they will not leave his body in Egypt; they will take it up to the land that was promised by God to his forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. That is the end of the book, the seed plot of the Bible. Then we start for the unfoldment of the seed that was planted in the book of Genesis. The next book is Exodus. That is where Moses comes in for the first time in the Bible. Now, we are told that Pharaoh’s daughter found Moses floating on the river and she named him Moses, because she drew him out of the water. I will not deny that – that is part of the name, Moses,” to draw out, to rescue, to fetch”.

But it has another meaning. She was an Egyptian and the boy was raised in the courts of Pharaoh, and the word “Moses” is the root of the Egyptian word (verb) “to be born”. That is what it means – to be born. Something is now to be born and he is buried in man in the book of Genesis. It is completely contained in this ark, in this coffin or man, but now it must be awakened, it must be born. We are told he did not volunteer for the task -he was drafted. Now let me stop here and tell you: this is not a man as you are, as I am; this is a state of consciousness. All these characters are states of consciousness, and so Moses is playing the part now, leading you – leading me, everyone in the world – out of the state known as Egypt, taking us out of Egypt into the promised land. Moses is true in this sense: in him – in germinal form – is the entire future of Israel. All the visions you read concerning him are contained in us. He was prophet, priest, law giver, shadow of the king (or a foreshadowing of the king), victor, exile, fugitive, man of God – all of these are stated in the state called Moses. Now he is leading us out. Let us see what he has in common with the other characters named in tonight’s subject, Elijah and Jesus. No one knows the burial place of Moses, as we are told in the very last book of the five, called Deuteronomy. Moses died and he was buried. Who buried him? The Lord buried him, and to this day no one in Israel knows the burial place of Moses. (Deuteronomy 34) We are told that Elijah – the word Elijah means “My God is Jehovah” – while talking to his disciples, they are parted by this fiery chariot and fiery horses, and he was lifted up into heaven by a whirlwind. Therefore no one knows his burial place, because he wasn’t buried – he was transported.

We are told of Jesus that when they came early in the morning and they found the stone rolled away, that his body had been removed, and to this day no one knows where they laid the body: “Where have they laid the body of my Lord?” So, here we find in the end there were three – each had the same exit from this world. Here is a progression leading up toward God. Moses means, “to be born”. In Hebrew it means, “to draw out”. Yes, something is being drawn out, something must be born. Elijah is “my God is Jehovah”. And Jesus, “Jehovah, is savior”, in keeping with the statement in Isaiah 43: 3,7,11: “I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.” If you read it on the surface it will mean nothing to you, but we go back to find what was the great revelation, as Israel is being moved out in the exodus from Egypt. It took forty years, and forty is the numerical value of the thirteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, whose symbol is a womb – something to be born, something is coming out of the womb in so-called forty years. It doesn’t mean forty years as you and I measure time, but something is coming out of man, and everything that is coming out is God, moving to the second stage called Elijah, and flowering in its fullness in Christ Jesus. Moses is the first to have the name of God revealed to him. There are many names for God, but never before was it revealed as it was to him – that state – and you are in it now, I am in it.

And the name revealed of God the creator is “I AM”. (Exodus 3:13-15) “When I go to the people of Israel and tell them that the God of their fathers sent me. The God of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and they ask me, ‘What is his name? What shall I say?’ The voice answered, ‘I AM that I AM.’ Say unto them ‘I Am hath sent you.’” It was never revealed before that that was the name of God. We are told in Psalm 9:10: “And those who know thy name put their trust in thee.” If you know the name! You and I have heard the name, but if you really know it, you will put your trust in the name, and I tell you the name is “I AM”. It’s not John, it is not Jesus, it’s not God, it’s not Lord – it’s nothing outside of “I AM”. The word translated “Lord”, (which is Jehovah) means, “I AM”. When I say I am the Lord thy God, I really should say – if you really want to understand it – “I AM that I AM”, your creator.” For the word now translated “God” is the word “Elohim”, the word used in the first chapter of Genesis: “And God said” (that is, “Elohim” – a plural word): “Let us make man in our image.” When you read the words in the sentence: “I am the Lord thy God”, the word “I AM” is the same word translated [as] “Lord”. So, I AM that I AM, the God who created you in his image, and beside me there is no other God, no other creator, no other savior. That is what was revealed in the state known as Moses. If you take the name of Moses, men-shin-he, – and if you turn it backwards it spells “name”, “shem.” (The common word for name in Hebrew is “shem”.) If I take the middle letter out [of "Moses"], which is a “shin” and put it first of the three little letters shin-mem-he, it spells “heaven” [correctly: sham-may-im]. So, here the name means so much.

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Neville Goddard, Summa Theologica, Manly P Hall, A Course In Miracles

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