Murdo MacDonald Bayne, Divine Healing Of Mind and Body, The Jesus Lectures

Divine Healing Of Mind and Body Complete Audios Available in Members Area

* NOTE: What is important about these 14 lectures is that during the talks there was a transfiguration that took place and Jesus spoke through Bayne. Read the information below for full info


DIVINE Healing of Mind and Body, The Jesus Lectures




I am the Resurrection and the Life — the Love of God

“… And a Voice Came from Heaven”

Christ is the Life in You

I am the True Vine and You are the Branches

Because I Live You Shall Live Also

The Spirit of the Father Who Raised Me
from the “Dead” Dwells Within You

My Words are from Heaven

The Kingdom of Heaven is Within

He who hath Seen Me hath Seen the Father

Blessed are the Pure in Heart: for They Shall Know God

The Spirit of God is Personified in the Christ of God in Y0u

Thus the Christ has Risen

You are the Branch on the Vine that Bears My Fruit

I am the Good Shepherd and My Sheep Know My Voice


It would be impossible for me to explain how these talks were given, for I would only be giving my opinion, which might be incorrect; but I can tell you of the feelings I had.

For several months prior to giving these talks I would awaken from my sleep at night hearing a voice apparently speaking to me. I thought I was dreaining yet it was not a dream, it was a real voice. Whether it was my own or another, I cannot say. The peculiar thing was that I could hear this voice and reason what it said at the same time.

After many of these experiences the voice said that special talks would be given when the proper time arrived. The time did arrive, and the voice spoke instructing that the talks would begin on a certain night when those attending were all chosen. There- after no one must be allowed in during the series of talks, and these talks must be taken down in shorthand and recorded on a wire recorder so that nothing would be lost.

When the night for those talks duly arrived I took my place in the auditorium. I was quite concerned about what was going to happen, when I felt as if 1,000 volts of electricity were passing through me. I did not lose consciousness, although I became aware of a magnificent power, a consciousness far above my own.
Yet we seemed to be linked together in some mysterious way which I cannot explain because I do not know.

Then I could hear my voice, yet it was different, speaking with great authority, an authority of one who absolutely knew. I listened very attentively to what was said and could understand with a clarity that I never had before. The language was perfect, without a flaw, without a hesitation. For a whole hour this went on, I was amazed because I knew that no human brain could duplicate such a feat, yet this feat was repeated each week for fourteen weeks.

Only when I heard the talks on the wire recorder did I know that something had taken place. I wondered, and I am still
wondering, about the wonder of it all. You can read for your-selves what was said, and if it gives you the comfort and satis-faction that it gave me and also those who had the privilege of hearing these spoken words, then they have not been spoken in vain.
A few of the many experiences of the students who were present have been recorded in the next few pages.

M. MacDonald Bayne

Talks given through Dr MacDonald Bayne

Description given by Miss Bagot-Smith

A Transfiguration Experience Never To Be Forgotten ln the spring of 1948 a series of talks was given at ’Escom House’
in ]ohannesburg, South Africa. To those who were chosen to hear them, this was a unique and unforgettable experience. No one who heard them could ever be the same again. They were hours of the highest spiritual growth and understanding. lt was as though a veil were torn from our eyes and we could see clearly.
The veritable presence of the Master became so strong a reality to us that it has never faded but grown in intensity and vividness.And always, since that time, when we lift our minds to spiritual  things, suddenly we know the Master is beside us, the Power of the Father is within and all is well.

lt was not the actual words that made these lectures so amazing; it was the way they were delivered. The words themselves will ring in our memories forever but the greatest Truth was shown to us without words, and no description could ever convey the tremendous force of the presence of the Masteiz and,through Him, the Love of the Father — distinct evidence more real than anything physical around us.

As the lecturer entered, he was the kindly smiling man we all knew so well. After a pause of silence, he seemed to breathe himself out of his body in a sudden gasp, leaving it swaying and without control. Then suddenly an amazing change took place: a short, sharp intake of breath; and the very Master was present; in the same body but utterly different. We knew perfectly well that the lecturer was still the man we had all known and respected for
years, but at the same time he was someone completely different.
The change was so startling that our benumbed senses could scarcely credit it. But at the same time it was true, and we knew it was true. The man before us now appeared unusually tall,much taller than the lecturer himself. Words cannot tell the strength of this astounding truth — but it was so. We were forced to believe it beyond the evidence of our ordi.nary senses.
Here now before us was a man, commanding of aspect, austere and of great authority with brilliant eyes and an assurance of power. Straight and tall He stood before us and with deep solemnity He pronounced His regular greeting:

“My Peace I bring to you/’

As the speaker progressed and we became more understanding, the greeting changed to “My Peace and my Love I bring to you/’ and later to “My Peace and my Blessings I bring to you/’ The blessing was given with the two first fingers of the right hand raised in the manner of a king, and low our hearts bowed before its majesty

A quietness spread through the hall: a vibrating power like a stream of warmth passed through our bodies, burning whatever part was imperfect, and healing as it flowed.

As one talk followed the other, we could feel our own vibrations raised and our understanding clarified and lifted to a plane far beyond our everyday life. ln dawning comprehension we listened to truths greater than any we had ever heard; and yet — to our wondering astonishment —— we realised they were the same statements we had heard and read since infancy. But only now did we understand their meaning. Suddenly the lightning truth flashed into our minds and at last we knew the power of what the Master first said so many years ago. And then His truths became, for us, Reality part of our very being, to be held precious in a golden silence from now on into eternity.

Each word fell deliberately with never a moment of hesitation,almost like drops of water or jewels falling one after another into the pool of silence deep around us, Each sentence was of perfect construction, spoken effortlessly and with no pause for thought.Gradually we came to know quite simply and without wonder that we were not the only people present. Among us were those whom we loved, who had passed on ahead; while beyond them,in ever-widening circles, ranged thousands of higher entities,

The Master would address us all together and then, in regard to the deeper things of life, we would be given just what each could grasp. We in earthly bodies were addressed as, “You of mortal sense”, while the Master would raise His eyes and speak directly to those who had lately passed on, as to minds who had gained in breadth of perception, who now knew the joy of a plane more spiritual and lovely and infinitely free. And then in awe we listened while the Master spoke to those who had more nearly approached His highest perfection. High above us we felt them, and far behind
us, row upon row; but no one moved or turned a head as our eyes were held by the Master. Our bodies had long since faded f1·om our senses — they were simply in abeyance, glued into immobility as it were, and it would take a definite effort to move them in any way The Master would bless us each in turn, first us ’0f mortal sense’, and then the Spirits advanced so high above us — and His voice would warm to their greater perception. In us He perceived
a rooted sense of separation, in them a unity that was a relief and joy to Him. How small we felt — how utterly unworthy! — tiny lowly people, almost infants, reaching up uncornprehending hands to what was still a mystery. But gradually we grew in the stature of our own minds and our own self-respect. In daily life we found ourselves leading where before we had stepped diffidently back — our voice came with unexpected assurance and authority. We too seemed to grow taller and to tread more lightly as if the spirit—self were growing stronger than the physical self.
Some of us saw glorious colours behind the lecturer — waves of purple and gold so glowing that it almost hurt the eyes. To some a slantwise cross was visible, to some a thick shaft of brilliant white light pouring into the top of his head, while many saw the long red-gold hair and beard, and heavenly music and bells were heard in the background as he spoke.

It became increasingly clear to us that the Master had come to give us His age-old. message: “l come to show you the Father How often we had heard it before, but with blinded senses.Now we began to understand.

We learnt of the Master lesus, Himself a man as we were,highly sensitive, developed, perceiving, aware, as we were not, of the wonder of the Christ within, the Son of the Living God. He and the Christ and His Father were one Being. Of Himself He could do nothing; but, identified with the Christ, one with the Father He could do all things and have dominion over all things. As the talks commenced, His voice was always grave and austere, as from a distance, sure and firm as a great leader speaking to followers searching for knowledge. But, as He talked, His voice warmed to us, His eyes shone with lovingness and delight in our response and our understanding of His Spirit.

The listeners grew more and more numerous. And now and then, in speaking of the Father, He would be overcome with His own emotion of the love so aroused. His voice would fade away and, entirely forgetful of us, suddenly He would so lose Himself in the Love of the Father that it was as though an actual Being was between us. He spoke to one much nearer than we were -—~to someone so close as to be ’nearer than breathing’. I-Ie would stand wrapped in the glory of the Godhead. He would murmur directly to His Father. Sometimes we heard the words, ”Father I love Thee, I love Thee, and I love those that Thou hast given me — Thy children. I thank Thee for them.” In the pause, His face was lit with a love of ineffable tenderness: a light of pure ecstasy transfigured His features, almost blinding in its intensity — our
eyes could not bear the brilliance that shone from His face. It was as though He had entered into some holy Temple of Love such as we could not comprehend. In awe we gazed — the presence of the Father so strong so tangible, so vivid, as to be far more real than the people around us. They faded; He was there, strong,powerful, in glory beyond glory.

And we too began to know the Father — an actively loving Being, no mere passive Godhead but a Father, powerful in guidance, in achieving all the Son could wish, a loving Father with arms around Him, sheltering Him in an ecstasy of peace. A love shone through His presence, embracing all of us, impartially universally; forcing us to realise the Truth as a Truth real beyond anything that could be touched or seen — the Truth of the presence of God, a loving, active, positive, dynamic Father a silent partner at our shoulder always, a God who travelled home with us, came in at the gate with us, protecting us so that evermore no fear would enter into our homes or lives. The Love of die Father became an unmistakable reality No words of the Master gave us that realisation; it was His own intense, burning, joyful
love of the Father that forced this knowledge upon us. A.nd because of this belonging to the Father the Son was filled with a peace and a glory of happiness that was etemal and infinite.And as He ascended again to His Father, He called us His disciples and He left us with His assurance:

“My Peace, and my Love, my Blessings, I leave with you to remain with you.”

At the time, we felt that that was the end, and we longed for the wonder of the talks over again. But twice more He came, with a space of several months between.

At these times He spoke differently; bidding us search our hearts to see how much we had progressed along the path of
Love that He had shown us. He asked us: “ls your faith so great that now you too could walk upon the water?” And again, “D0es your love for the Father order all your thoughts and deeds?” ”D0 you live in Love to the exclusion of all else?”

How deeply shamed we felt at the little we had done, and how unworthy we knew ourselves to be of the honour of His coming.

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Neville Goddard, Summa Theologica, Manly P Hall, A Course In Miracles

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